I agree...not feeling comfortable with male socialization isn't what makes me a woman. Being a woman is what makes me a woman. Being a girl (albeit unknowingly) is part of why being treated like a boy was so harmful to me in my childhood.
The problem with your brand of transphobic thinking is that it presupposes that you can know someone's gender by looking at their body. I used to believe this too, and spent decades trying everything I could to pretend that I was a man, despite KNOWING otherwise in a way that didn't make even a tiny bit of sense to me. I spent 40 years as a shadow of a person because I was forcing myself into a social role that didn't fit me. Because my brain needed a different hormone balance than the one my body was producing.
Clearly you have missed the point of my article. The point is to get you to see how the affirmed gender of a trans person is present in their childhood, and the harms we we experience from a lifetime of being treated as a gender that doesn't fit us. To see us as who WE say we are first, and as who YOU see us as second. Unless you are able to make that shift in your thinking, you might as well just move along, because I don't need your approval to live in a way that has empirically, inarguably, improved my life in ways that you will never be able to comprehend.