Rowling hasn’t claimed that her abuse is responsible for turning her into an abuser. That was, however, the argument being made in the article I was responding to and I was engaging with it in good faith. Don’t be facile or disingenuous, especially if you want to be taken seriously.
As for your notion that viewing trans women as a subset of men is just a "difference of opinion", you and Rowling are certainly entitled to hold whatever opinions you like about trans women. But you aren’t entitled to oppress trans women; to bully us; to harass us; to advance legislation denying us access to lifesaving healthcare; to baselessly accuse us of perpetuating crimes and evils that we are far MORE likely to be the victims of (at the hands of men) then we are to commit; to deny our testimony to our own lived experiences; to deny the consensus of all respectable medical organizations; to deny the results from all reputable peer reviewed studies; and to ignore the vast bodies of literature in biology, genetics, neuroscience, sociology, psychology, gender and sexuality studies, queer studies, and psychiatry that all contradict your opinion. You are both entitled to hold your bigoted, harmful, cruel, ignorant opinions. But you aren’t entitled to demand that the rest of the world conform to your particular brand of patriarchal, biologically essentialist, misogynistic, hatred.
Or, if that’s too many words, here’s a shorter version: you can hold whatever opinions you like, but it doesn’t give them the weight of fact, and it doesn’t justify the abuse you subject trans women to.