Take your ignorant, transphobic, concern trolling somewhere else. The very phrase "Trans activists" is a dog whistle. There is no such thing. There are transgender people who have the AUDACITY to ask that people stop hatecriming us, that people treat us like the people we say we are and represent ourselves as in our daily life. It's notq radical activism to ask for bodily autonomy, the right to privacy, and access to the medical care that is the difference between a life of joy and self-acceptance, and a shadow life.
It's disingenuous to hold up tired, debunked, strawman arguments like "kids getting surgeries", or "men in women's changing rooms" when your sources are literally transphobic fever dreams, and not actual evidence of harm caused. Your use of the phrase "sex based rights" is similarly misleading, since the only laws that focus specifically on "sex" are those used to limit the bodily autonomy of women, such as abortion bans.
I find it a tough pill to swallow when any member of a more privileged majority thinks they have ANY right to complain about how a less privileged minority group is getting "unreasonable" by expressing their need for the same human dignity and respect that others get by default. Similar arguments were used against the Jews (and trans, and queer people) during the second world war. Your headline might as well read "some upity negros are ruining civil rights for all the rest".
The conclusion you clearly want your reader to draw from this piece is that trans people are being unreasonable by wanting to transition, and wanting to be affirmed in their identity by the people around them. This is an opinion that is only possible if you either don't know any trans people, or if your starting assumptions about us as are that we cannot be trusted to speak with authority about our own lives. The arrogance of your position is appalling. I challenge you to ask 1000 trans people what we think is best for us, and to actually accept that we know better than you do what it means to be trans, and what we need.
Until you take a back seat to the perspectives of the people you are writing about your opinion is just the worthless bloviation of a bigot with an hateful agenda.